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Fast Ruby

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From: fast-ruby

This is a comparation between ruby methods.

- Faster Slower
Array Array[0], Array[-1] Array.first, Array.last
Array bsearch find
Array unshift insert
Array length, size count
Array sample shuffle.first
Date iso8601(string) parse(string)
Enumerable map each { push }
Enumerable each for .. in
Enumerable while index < ARRAY.size each_with_index
Enumerable ARRAY.inject(:+) , ARRAY.inject(&:+) inject {|a,i| a + i}
Enumerable ARRAY.flat_map {|e| [e,e]} {|e| [e,e]}.flatten
Enumerable ARRAY.reverse_each {|x| x} ARRAY.reverse.each …
Enumerable ARRAY.detect {} {}.first
Enumerable sort_by(&:name), sort_by {|e|} sort {|a,b| <=>}
Enumerable min_by {|x| x.succ} sort_by {|x| x.succ}.first
General a, b, c = 1, 2, 3 a = 1, b = 2, c = 3
General respond_to? begin - rescue
General NUM.round(2).to_s format(‘%.2f’, NUM), ‘%.2f’ % NUM
General while true loop do
Hash Hash[HASH] HASH.dup
Hash dig [:a][:b][:c]
Hash sort_by {|k, v| k}.to_h sort.to_h
Hash each_key keys.each
Hash key? KEY, value? KEY keys.include?, values.include?
Proc and block Symbol#to_proc: map(&:to_s) map {|i| i.to_s}
String match?(/boo/) =~ /boo/, match(/boo/)
String ”#{foo} #{bar}“, ‘foo’ ‘bar’ ‘foo’.concat ‘bar’, ‘foo’ + ‘bar’
String end_with?, start_with? match?(/regex/), =~
String sub gsub
String tr gsub
String remove extra space: squeeze(” “) gsub(/ +/, “ “)
String delete_suffix chomp, sub
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