Rails - Bundle a private gem
I wrote a port about how to use a private repo as a dependency with yarn or npm here. But how we do the same using bundler?
In Gemfile, there are many ways to install a gem.
# git
gem 'rails', git: 'git://github.com/rails/rails.git'
# ssh
gem 'rails', git: '[email protected]:rails/rails.git'
# https
gem 'rails', git: 'https://github.com/rails/rails.git'
# github keyword
gem 'rails', github: 'rails/rails.git'
But please don’t use git://
protocol. It’s insecure and allows a man-in-the-middle attach.
You could use SSH (give your ssh_key
to CI so it could make a request) or use HTTPS (enter your github username
and password
each time bundle install
) to pull gem code. However, that’s quite annoying.
1. Directly in the Gemfile
gem 'private', git: 'https://<username>:<password>@github.com/mycompany/private.git'
gem 'private', git: 'https://x-access-token:<token>@github.com/mycompany/private.git'
-> That is not a great idea. Cause you put sensitive information in source code.
2. Use bundle config
Ref: Config bundler
$ bundle config GITHUB__COM username:password
$ bundle config --local GITHUB__COM username:password
-> Take username/password out of the source code.
3. Use bundle config with environment variables
$ export BUNDLE_GITHUB__COM=username:password
$ export BUNDLE_GITHUB__COM=x-access-token:<token>